When registering on this site, the User agrees to these rules* and assumes the rights and obligations specified in them related to submitting ads to the site.
Attention! These rules apply to both free and paid ads (Premium, VIP ads) that are published on the site https://agroexpo.kz. Paid ads can also be blocked if violations are detected.
If there is information that the posted ads violate the rules of the Site, the current legislation and/or the rights of third parties, https://agroexpo.kz has the right to check and/or delete such ads at any time, as well as restrict the actions of the User who posted these ads on the site.
The site administration reserves the right to refuse to publish an ad if the User systematically violates the rules of the site and confirms complaints about the ad from other users.
General provisions
The content of advertisements must not contradict the law About advertising from December 19, 2003.
Do not place https://agroexpo.kzservices/prohibited products and services.
It is prohibited to publish ads from users who do not have the proposed object/ service, or who do not have a documented right to carry out a legal transaction.
A user can have only one registration (account) on the website. Do not register again on another e-mail.
Do not submit the same ad (offering the same product or service) repeatedly, regardless of whether you place them in different regions or categories.
Place one specific product/service in one ad. The exception is the offer of a "set", which is sold /rented in its entirety, with an indication of the price for the entire set.
Do not place ads of a general advertising nature, ads for advertising Internet resources (portals, forums, dating sites, etc.), businesses (shops, companies).
Do not place ads asking for financial assistance, fundraising for treatment, acceptance as a gift, etc.
Ads containing deliberately false information, advertising of financial "pyramids" and other dubious ways of generating income are not allowed to be published.
Choose the section that best matches the subject of your ad, as well as the region corresponding to the actual location of your product.
For example: "tractor spare parts in Almaty", the region specified in the ad should be Almaty, not another region, etc.
If your offer is no longer relevant, then be sure to remove the ad from publication immediately after the transaction.
Ads are accepted for publication only in Russian and written in Cyrillic, the exception is the "Work" category, ads in which can be placed in English. Ads must comply with the norms of the Russian language, that is, they should not contain spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.
Advertising is not allowed in which part of the essential information about the advertised product is missing, about the conditions of its purchase or use, if the meaning of the information is distorted and consumers of advertising are misled.
Requirements for filling in ad fields:
The title of the ad must match its content.
Do not use repeated question marks, exclamation marks and other signs, as well as words that attract attention, for example, "Urgent!!!", "Sell!", "Buy!", "Profitable offer", etc.
Do not specify contact information (phone number, physical/legal/email address (e-mail), website name (links), ICQ, skype, company name, etc.).
Do not write the title in uppercase, the exception is the first letters of capital words and proper names. Only abbreviations can be written entirely in uppercase. Example of incorrect spelling: "I WILL BUY URGENTLY".
The ad should contain the most detailed information about the specific product/ service that you offer/ are looking for. It is permissible to specify related information: conditions and options for purchase, delivery, information about discounts and gifts, installation and installation of the purchased goods, etc.
It is not allowed to describe the possibilities of the subject of sale, which is of an advertising nature.
The ad text should not contain contact information (phone number, physical / legal / email address (e-mail), website name (links), ICQ, skype, etc.).
It is not allowed to use uppercase, except for the first letters of capital words and proper names.
It is unacceptable to use keywords in the description to facilitate the search for seller's ads, listing several products, placing price lists.
The price must correspond to the actual price of the object/service.
The price must be an integer, it is not allowed to specify words replacing the price (For example, "expensive", "inexpensive", "symbolic price", etc.).
The price must be indicated for the entire item of sale / lease. (For example, when selling an item in installments, the price should be indicated in full, and not depending on the term of the installment payment. Specify the information about the installment plan in the text.)
Do not specify the price in the title or text of the ad — there is a separate field for this.
A photo showing the product/service offered by you must match the title and text of the ad.
A photo cannot contain user interface elements, abstract drawings, frames and other details drawn using graphic editors.
The photo should not contain a collage as a title photo, logo (including Slando and Avito), brand, copyright, watermark, company name, phone, E-mail, website links, etc.
The photo should be of good quality, the object depicted should be distinguishable, the optimal size: width – 1024 pixels, height – 800 pixels, size up to 500 KB.
A watermark with the image of the full name is allowed in the photo. For online partners, a watermark with the company name or company logo can be used. Watermark should not occupy more than 25% of the photo area, and also should not distort the image of the object.
In ads for the sale and purchase of goods, it is allowed to use only real photos of the proposed object.
Ads for the provision of services may contain any graphic images that are suitable for the subject, but do not violate anyone's intellectual rights.
It is forbidden to use photographs containing images of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, weapons, or other similar items.
After placement (publication), the ad becomes visible to all users and is checked by a moderator. If the moderator finds an error, the ad will be rejected with a mandatory indication of the reason for rejection.
Rejecting an ad is just a message about an error. The author of the ad can correct the error and publish the ad again.
By agreeing to these rules, you also confirm that you have read and agree to the following sections of the "terms and conditions" of this website.